William Bianco

Current Working Papers

Resolving the Authoritarian Dilemma: Policy Outcomes and Political Control in The Hong Kong Legislative Council  (with Regina Smyth and Kwan Nok Chan)

The Bicameral Roots of Congressional Deadlock: Analyzing Congressional Productivity Through The Lens of Majority Rule (with Regina Smyth)

​​Recent Publications

Knowing What We’re Getting:  Evaluating Scientific Research on the International Space Station (with Eric Schmidt), Social Science Quarterly, forthcoming

Engineering Cooperation: How Americans and Russians Manage Joint Operation of the International Space Station (with Robert Landis), International Area Studies Review, 2016

​The Uncovered Set and its Applications (with Christopher Kam, Itai Sened, and Regina Smyth), in Elgar Handbook of Social Choice and Voting.  Jac Heckelman and Nicholas Miller, eds., Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishers, 2015.

Predicting Majority Rule: Evaluating The Uncovered Set and the Strong Point (with Jacob Bower-Bir, Nicholas D’Amico, Christopher Kam, Itai Sened, and Regina Smyth), Journal of Theoretical Politics, 2015

Party Relevance and Party Survival in New Democracies (with Christopher Kam, Itai Sened, and Regina Smyth), International Area Studies Review, 2014

Older Publications

Explaining Transitional Representation:  The Rise and Fall of Women of Russia (with Christopher Kam, Itai Sened, and Regina Smyth), Journal of East European and Asian Studies 2011

Parliaments, Cabinets, and Uncovered Sets (with Chris Kam, Itai Sened, and Regina Smyth), American Political Science Review 2010

The Impact of State Legislative Term Limits on The Competitiveness of Congressional Elections (with Nate Birkhead and Gabriel Uriarte), American Politics Research 2010

The Constrained Instability of Majority Rule: Experiments on the Robustness of the Uncovered Set  (with Michael Lynch, Itai Sened and Gary Miller),  Political Analysis 2007

'A Theory Waiting to Be Discovered and Used:’ A Reanalysis of Canonical Experiments on Majority Rule Decision-Making (with Michael Lynch, Gary Miller, and Itai Sened), Journal of Politics 2006.

Uncovering Majority Party Influence in Legislatures (with Itai Sened), American Political Science Review 2005

Last Post for ‘The Greatest Generation’: The Decline of Military Experience in the U. S. Congress, Legislative Studies Quarterly 2005.

The Uncovered Set and the Limits of Legislative Action (with Itai Sened and Ivan Jeliaskov),  Political Analysis 2004.